This site is a work in progress, very obviously. When I told the others I wanted to quit the band, our singer/guitarist/songwriter Myoung Jae commented that it was a bit like breaking up with a girlfriend, when, even if you know it wasn’t working out, it was hard. It’s a bit like that, I suppose, but likewise once one is past the emotional stuff, one looks back fondly on that phase of one’s life.
So I think of this site not as a shrine to a fallen group, but as a memorial of an experience that we shared for several years, not just with one another, but with a whole bunch of people in South Korea. On a personal level, I also think of it as of a certain stage in my own life (and the lives of the other members). That stage is definitely over, and perhaps ended less ceremoniously than it could or should have, but now I think back to mostly fond memories, and feel like it would be nice to have a place to put those memories, so that others can share their memories.
I still have some stuff to add, and of course it’s not a complete archive. Anyone out there who has any photos that aren’t in the archive is welcome to sent them in to me. Bootlegs, other photos, memories, comments, testimonials… all welcome. Contact me with whatever you want to contribute, and I’ll do my best to add it here.